About Me

My name is Gemma Bryan and I'm studying Fashion Communication & Promotion at The University of Huddesfield. To me fashion is an excellent way of expressing yourself; it's creative, inspiring and inventive. The oppurtunity to combine my enthusiasm for fashion with business is breathtaking as I enjoy the challenges which may arise. I have a huge interest in the history of fashion and how it has developed and transferred over time and throughout the world.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Project 3; High Street Video Reportage

In this project we have been asked to record and document a personal snapshot view/video reportage on the phenomenom of British Fashion in London today.

From using a combination of video, still photo images and recording, I have been asked to record either an event, person, brand or style or a mixture of any. To then product a narrative video involving or related to Fashion, Communication, PR, Design or Culture on the high street, that this significant to current Fashion culture.

This project to me feels very broad and is a perfect way of expressing myself in my interests, style and generally to answer any questions that may frustrate or confuse me.

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