About Me

My name is Gemma Bryan and I'm studying Fashion Communication & Promotion at The University of Huddesfield. To me fashion is an excellent way of expressing yourself; it's creative, inspiring and inventive. The oppurtunity to combine my enthusiasm for fashion with business is breathtaking as I enjoy the challenges which may arise. I have a huge interest in the history of fashion and how it has developed and transferred over time and throughout the world.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Fashion Photography * Editorials * Digitial Media Production

Following on from Project 4, Project 5 links in nicely. For this project we were put into teams; we are working for a creative agency. The agency has been commissioned by All Saints to produce a series of editorial photographs for a brand fashion editorial. The editorial will be published in Dazed & Confused magazine across 4 pages.

The brief that we have been given is:

"To produce a range of Fashion photographs for a brand editorial for our client that will be used as a four page editorial about the brand in a magazine. In addition of 100-300 word narrative for the editorial photographs."

Our client: All Saints
Our magazine: Dazed & Confused
Our main inspiration: Rankin

To give us a starting point for this brief, individual research into our client, our magazine and our main inspiration will be carried out first.

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