About Me

My name is Gemma Bryan and I'm studying Fashion Communication & Promotion at The University of Huddesfield. To me fashion is an excellent way of expressing yourself; it's creative, inspiring and inventive. The oppurtunity to combine my enthusiasm for fashion with business is breathtaking as I enjoy the challenges which may arise. I have a huge interest in the history of fashion and how it has developed and transferred over time and throughout the world.

Monday, 28 February 2011


After experimenting with all the different settings with my camera, I have now picked three images which I think came out the best and worked out well. All of the images which I have selected are all in black and white which is a complete coincidence, and wasn't planned at all.

The one above I liked because of the angle of the photograph, and I could see this conveying a strong message id it was encourparted into some part of a magazine, I also like the shadow of the background too.

This one I liked alot as it was a simple shot and I thought that the simple lighting worked really well, with a good balance of colour and light.

This one was my favourite photograph out of all of the ones I took, I like how the light hits the chin and how the face is darker I think this conveys a very soft image accompanied with the facial expression and the mixture of the shadow in the background too.

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