About Me

My name is Gemma Bryan and I'm studying Fashion Communication & Promotion at The University of Huddesfield. To me fashion is an excellent way of expressing yourself; it's creative, inspiring and inventive. The oppurtunity to combine my enthusiasm for fashion with business is breathtaking as I enjoy the challenges which may arise. I have a huge interest in the history of fashion and how it has developed and transferred over time and throughout the world.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Project 2; Part 2

From my first draft, I didn't like the borders which I put round the images so I took them off, I liked how I arranged the images on page two, I think that is very effective, I also am very pleased with how page 3 & 4 look. On this version I put the boxes back in at the top like they have on the original article, as I think this is a nice way to set off the article. However I didn't like how I'd done page 4 & 5 so I have changed the layout of that completely which I think works really well. Finally by putting the random images of leaves occasionally it makes it a lot more contemporary in my view and I think it sets the article off very nicely.

This is my second draft.

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