About Me

My name is Gemma Bryan and I'm studying Fashion Communication & Promotion at The University of Huddesfield. To me fashion is an excellent way of expressing yourself; it's creative, inspiring and inventive. The oppurtunity to combine my enthusiasm for fashion with business is breathtaking as I enjoy the challenges which may arise. I have a huge interest in the history of fashion and how it has developed and transferred over time and throughout the world.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Wednesday 13th October; Digital Technology & Print Production; Adobe In Design & Photoshop Workshop

In this weeks workshop we made progress on what we had done last week. Firstly I was on Photoshop and was talked through the different types of selection tools. Then I practised how to use the magnetic lasso tool, which takes out the background of an image, and then after using the normal lasso tool to make the edges which need to be straight, straight so there aren't jaged edges for example around the border.

Then I learned how to make my own path.

After that I went onto working on In Design and put the work I had done in Photoshop onto design.

Finally we were breifed with Project 2.

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